How 1 Mother Pig did a perfect job at Raising 5 Baby Piglets! |
I am so excited to share this wonderful Pictures and Story of our Baby Piglets!!
One Beautiful Summer morning 1 of our Mother pigs had 5 baby Piglets. I wasn’t expecting them, and it was a wonderful surprise! They were so tiny, and walking around when I saw them first.
It was such a wonderful pleasure for our Family, and my little brothers often went over and watched the piglets jumping around and playing.
It was that mother Pigs first time to have Babies, and she did a perfect job at keeping them safe and raise them healthy, for all 5 piglets stayed alive, and are now a few months old.
Some mother pigs don’t take enough care for their babies, and it can be a struggle. But this mother pig did a perfect job. The pigs are in the same pasture as a few Baby Cows (Calves), but the calves didn’t bother the pigs at all!
I now wish I had taken a picture when they were very tiny, but on the pictures below they are still small, and very pretty!
Our Pigs have a big Pasture that they roam around in, and have plenty grass. And they hardly get any corn, and they are Soy-free.
I Love the pork meat, and I personally think Pork is almost the most delicious meat. It of course depends on how it is prepared, but the pork sausage is so delicious. For sure the Pork Grillers, just throw them on the grill on a beautiful evening, and watch the fire make the grillers delicious!!
We had Grillers at our Family’s Hangout/ vacation, and it was unbelievably delicious!! Feel free to try them in the Meats: Pork Category!
Here is the Perfect Mother Pig that is raising here 5 little Piglets. She is doing a wonderful job, and they are absolutely healthy, and so cute.
In the background are the Baby Cows (Calves) that the pigs share the field with.
The Father Pig also like to hang out with the Mother and baby Piglets.
The Pigs are very tame, and they are walking towards me, and they are wondering what I want! “I just want to take pictures of you, Piglets.”
Eat a lot Grass, so you can grow fast! I am hungry for your Bacon when you are Big.
WOW!! This is so Beautiful! After roaming in the Field for a few hours, it is time to nurse the piglets, and get some rest. They all seem so happy, and it looks so cute. The mother pig just lays quitely, and the baby Piglets know what they are suppose to do!
The Father Pig loves to eat grass all the time. Such a beautiful Picture of the complete Pig Family!
“Now It’s Enough” Says Mother Pig. “Let’s eat more grass, then when it gets dark, we can go in the Barn, and have a good night’s sleep!” Pigs Love sleeping!!
Wow! They are so cute! We have plenty Pork Meat available, and We have a few new options available! Check them out in Meats: Pork category!
Pork Meat has some Fat with it, but the Fat is a wonderful and healthy food that is delicious if roasted or grilled, and was usually known as 1 of the healthiest parts of the pig.
You may have heard that fat isn’t good for the body, but people have found out that it is good for them if it is raised grass-fed like ours.
Thank you so much for your time, And I hope you get a chance to try the pork Meats!
I appreciate you supporting our Family Farm! Because of that, we can post more pictures and Stories of more Animals.
Have a wonderful Day! And enjoy your Healthy Food!
-Gideon Lapp and the Lapp Family!
My Boss always says: “The only thing better than Meat, is more Meat.”
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