Fresh Sprouted Feed All Year Long!

Fresh Sprouted Feed All Year Long!

Clearview cows already have a diet superior to many dairy farms. Even in the winter when they cannot graze in the field, the Lapp's cows are fed hay (dried grass) rather than grain. But Abner wants to do better. He believes that fresh sprouts during the winter will be even more nutritious.

Jessica and Kevin visited the farm and got to see the progress Abner has made with this project. The sprouting array can handle several batches a day. Each level contains sprouted seeds at various stages of growth.


The sprouting rack has a timed watering system, helped by the force of gravity to permeate the length of each tray. Ventilation is necessary to keep mold at bay, though minimal sunlight is needed.


After a few days, the soft spring barley is ready to be gathered.


Each day, new batches of barley are spread by hand along the long trays.


The next batch of barley is soaked for half a day in these barrels to sprout before they are placed in the trays.


Abner is proud of his new system! He loads each fully grown batch into his wheelbarrow.

 The long coils of sprouted barley must be pulled apart by hand before being fed to the animals.

The cows chomp away ravenously at the fresh sprouts. Abner immediately noticed an improvement in their appetites and personalities. 


These lucky cows and steers get 2 heaping servings per day of this winter treat.

Last updated Sat Dec 04 2021